Dash for a Cure

The Story Continues ...
Guest Book

Frank Szachta
May 28, 2010 1:54 AM Post #70
Location : USA,Missouri & Florida, St. Louis
Congratulations Carol Ann & your copilot Ms. Foy: As an old Bomber pilot in USAF for 20 years , rewtired Electrical & Project Engineer, and now ( last 10 years a fellow Mooney pilot in CAP and EAA/Young Eagles, we are compatriots. I congratulate you both on the fine fund raising mission you undertook, and really think your sterling accomplishment is beyond words. I have attended your power point trip presentation three times already, and look forward to hearing & seeing it again in late June in St. Louis, MO. Your tenaicity and detailed planning of every aspect of your grueling journey around the world in such great speeds with such efficient use of fuel is astounding. I hope to help you in some small way in your ALS fund raising again in June. Your South American trip sounds every bit as exacting as your trip around the globe in 2008. Stay safe & may you enjoy smooth tailwinds wherever you venture. Frank Szachta/Major USAF (ret); Major CAP (ret); EAA/YE Pilot/EAA-180 & EAA-32; CFII and ATP
Becky Smith
August 04, 2009 7:16 PM Post #69
Location : Wimberley, TX
Congratulations and an incredible feat. My husband and I heard Carolann's presentation at OSH last year and have read your book - WOW! Carol... I met you originally at an Austin 99's mtg and then stood next to you at OSH last year for the pic of women pilots. Was hoping to see you both this year at OSH - were you there? My San Antonio 99's will be meeting with the EAA chapter in Oct to hear your presentation... we can't wait!!! You are amazing women "making a difference"!
Kory Adams
June 17, 2009 10:10 PM Post #68
Location : USA, NC, Chapel Hill
I was at your event at the Sanford Lee County Regional Airport (TTA) and was amazed at how you accomplished your goal. The legs of 15+ hours amazed me the most and also inspired me. Your doing a great thing and I hope one day I can achieve something of this magnitude.
Susan Fowler
April 17, 2009 11:25 PM Post #67
Location : Buda TX
Hi Carol just wanted you to know I visited your site after I cleaned your teeth and I am so PROUD of you! Paul looked at it with me and as an ex pilot and avionics guy he was totally impressed...CONGRATS! What an accomplishment to be proud of! We absolutely want a book and are happy to buy it to contribute to the cause....but we want your autograph!
Richard C from AZ
March 26, 2009 10:30 PM Post #66
Location : Barstool 3 at McCormick and Schmick, Crystal City, VA
Carol - Congrats again... not only on your flight, but on the award you received today, and for surviving the evening after! It was great getting to know you, and you should be proud of the accomplishment.
Shaun Brown
March 02, 2009 10:42 AM Post #65
Location : Mesa, Arizona
I know Im a little late but just read the article in AOPA magazine. I want to say what a great job you two have done!! Lets keep up the work for awareness on ALS Fly Safe
Dick fent
February 02, 2009 5:19 PM Post #64
Location : Aiken, SC, USA
CA, You never cease to amaze me. Congratualtions on an incredible journey and raising such an amount of money. My sister in law just passed away a couple of months ago from the same disease. Again, you are a saint in disguise.
David Lopez
January 05, 2009 9:48 PM Post #63
Location : USA, South Carolina, Greer
CarolAnn, Does this mean there will be a "Upon Silver Wings II" ? If so, let me know I really enjoyed reading your last book. I'm not much of a reader but I couldn't put your book down, I was pulled into the adventure and could not wait to hear about your next stop. Have a safe trip..
Sue Marchewka
December 22, 2008 8:50 AM Post #62
Location : Chesterfield, MI
Dear Crew, Congratulations on your flight-how amazing you all are! What a great way to spread the word of this horrible disease. My husband passed away this June from ALS and the more research available is appreciated to finally find a cure for this horrible disease! Happy Holidays to All of YOU!!!
Roy Miller
December 22, 2008 7:34 AM Post #61
Location : Orlando, FL
Nice Job CarolAnn and Carol, good luck with your fund raiser and your future contributions to aviation. Wishing you both a Christ filled Christmas and a Happy New year. Roy Miller
Nancy Miller-Borg
December 21, 2008 9:47 PM Post #60
Location : USA, AL, Steele
Congratulations on your flight. Best of luck in raising funds for ALS research.
Waltraut (Wally) Moog
December 21, 2008 5:15 AM Post #59
Location : Germany
Congratulations to your succerss from The Ninety-Nines, German Section. We are so proud of you and your achievement. We´re going to spread the News around on our website. Now we are looking forward to reading your book for the details. Have a peaceful Christmas and a New Year in good health! Take care, aviatory greetings, Wally, governor German Section
Hans Gutmann
December 20, 2008 5:06 AM Post #58
Location : Europe/Austria/Wieselburg
Congratulation - I like to raise my hat - big job you have done. Hans
Connie McConnell
December 19, 2008 5:43 PM Post #57
Location : Ocala, Fl
CarolAnn and Carol, I had the most amazing time following your absolutely brilliant flight around the world. I admire both of you so much and am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished. AOPA and others that could have covered this truly awesome flight, really let us down with their lack of coverage of this record breaking event. I can't wait for your book to come out, and will be sending several copies to those who can't wait to read all the details. Congratulations.
Keith Knorr
December 19, 2008 2:56 PM Post #56
Location : Ocala, Florida
Congratulations on your historic flight! I am interested in purchasing your book, CD, etc. when they are available. I also happen to be program chairman for our Kiwanis Club for the month of June 2009. We meet at noon on Fridays - Our meeting area holds approximately 100 people. Would it be possible for one of you to present a program at one of the Friday meetings. Remuneration should not be a problem and I am sure many of the members would be interested in purchasing items such as mentioned above. Sincerely, Keith Knorr
Bobbie Gammill
December 19, 2008 10:39 AM Post #55
Location : Sann Antonio, Tx
Conngratulations, I am soo proud of my niece Carol Foy, I know Bob would be proud of you as well. Can't wait to hear all about it. GREAT JOB
Arvinder Sandhu
December 19, 2008 9:59 AM Post #54
Location : Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Congratulations You two are amazing for dreaming big and accomplishing your "Two in One" goal: Raise Funds for worthy cause and set a World Record. Events like these inspire our younger generation. You two are our "true" Role Models. Keep up the Good work.
Fred Weaver
December 15, 2008 12:57 PM Post #53
Location : Ocala, FL
I am amazed that you two could handle the potential fatique problem so well. You obvious ability to get enough rest to be able to concentrate on the task at hand was amazing, to say the least! I felt pretty confident that the airplane and all its equipment would be reliable enough to allow you to succeed, especially since you either replaced or overhauled all systems before departure . Your highly detailed preparation really paid off, and this probably went a long way towards giving you your ability to break the record. We're all so proud of your record, and I frankly feel that it will probably stand for a long time. May you go a long way towards your goals to raise the money for ALS. Godspeed,
Sue Campbell
December 15, 2008 2:17 AM Post #52
Location : Auckland, New Zealand
To Carol Ann and Carol and your support team: a fantastic achievement in planning, flyingl and endurance. Your determination, courage and sheer hard work saw you accomplish your dream. Many will be inspired by your feat. Congratulations!
Sandy Riley
December 14, 2008 6:45 PM Post #51
Location : USA, FL, Eustis
CarolAnn & Carol, Welcome back to the good ole USA! I really enjoyed tracking your trek around the world and learned some geography myself! You two are amazing! What a test in endurance. You are very focused and determined on your ultimate goal--that is raising $$$ for ALS research! Hope you're rested now and got some real food! Happy Holidays, Sandy
Carlo Cesa
December 14, 2008 5:18 AM Post #50
Location : Crested Butte Avion Airport, Colorado
Congrats! Quite a trip, quite an achievement. Happy & Safe Flying, C
Karen Bailey
December 13, 2008 5:29 PM Post #49
Location : Canada
Job well done Ladies! Good luck with the rest of the fund raising. You have tackled two brilliant projects head on - a world flight record and a great cause to raise money for. Karen Bailey, Canada
Tim Huckabay
December 13, 2008 8:45 AM Post #48
Location : Red Bluff, CA
Congratualtions ladies! It's been great watching your adventure this last week. I'm so proud of your accomplishment - it's one for the record books! Your physical endurance is amazing. Can't wait to see CarolAnn again in Sept. We'll be in Orlando in Feb - maybe we can touch bases? Take care! Tim and Pat Huckabay
Gretchen Jahn
December 13, 2008 2:15 AM Post #47
Location : New Zealand
Congratulations and big hugs on your successful round-the-world adventure! You set a worthy goal and through guts and determination accomplished the journey. We watched your log on the web and rooted for you through every adversity. I am so proud of both of you. Welcome home.
Sophia Payton
December 12, 2008 11:36 PM Post #46
Location : Clearwater Beach, Fl.
Congratulations on a successful flight! Followed your flight on Spot - Great! until a storm on Clearwater Beach shut down my computer. Got back on just in time to pick you up 40 n.m out on Flight aware and followed your flight turning base at MCO. It is great what you are doing for ALs. and let's hope a cure is found for that dreaded disease.
Sophia Payton
December 12, 2008 11:35 PM Post #45
Location : Clearwater Beach, Fl.
Congratulations on a successful flight! Followed your flight on Spot - Great! until a storm on Clearwater Beach shut down my computer. Got back on just in time to pick you up 40 n.m out on Flight aware and followed your flight turning base at MCO. It is great what you are doing for ALs. and let's hope a cure is found for that dreaded disease.
Marcia Gitelman
December 12, 2008 8:51 PM Post #44
Location : Port Orange, FL
What a wonderful accomplishment. I have followed your entire flight and posted your updates to the 99s message board. Your flight has been inspiring...even if I only could follow it as I sat at my computer. I hope you make your million dollar goal.
Jay Carpenter
December 12, 2008 6:39 PM Post #43
Location : Austin, Texas
An amazing flight by two amazing pilots! Truly you are made of the right stuff and make all of general aviation proud. We all are excited to hear the details of your record breaking trip. Book? Movie? Autograph??? On behalf of all TXAA members, congratulations on breaking the speed record around the world! Jay Carpenter Board of Directors Texas Aviation Association
Brian Eisner
December 12, 2008 6:02 PM Post #42
Location : Canada,Nova Scotia,Halifax
Congrats you two on your great accomplishment. I am a pilot that has some Mooney time, great airplane. You gails are a great inspiration to all fellow aviators. Looking forward to reading your book and hopefully a DVD of your trip becomes available.
Chip & Jan Gulden
December 12, 2008 4:33 PM Post #41
Location : USA IN Nashville
We were arm chair passsengers with you, and we've expanded our knowledge of geography greatly. We really enjoyed the chat from Lihue! It took us a bit to realize the physical challenge of the trip since you both look so fresh and limber in the photographs. Congratulations on this wonderful record-setting journey! Love, Chip & Jan
Scott Ekberg
December 12, 2008 3:44 PM Post #40
Location : Ocala, FL
CarolAnn & Carol.....what a wonderful trip you two have had...I can only imagine what fun you had. You both deserve all the kudos that I can say in these few short words. I hope to see you both at our EAA Chrismas Party tomorrow night Dec 13th @ the Shriners hall. Hugs to you both.
dick rutan
December 12, 2008 12:06 PM Post #39
Location : KMHV
Welcome home, CarolAnn and Carol! I don't know what it is about nine day flights in December. This Sunday, I celebrate the 22nd year of Voyager's 'round the world flight. But today, I raise my glass and toast the two of you for having the courage to dream big, and for having the courage to meet that dream head on. Congratulations on a successful flight! Dick Rutan Voyager Commander December 14, 1986 to December 23, 1986 www.dickrutan.com
Claudia Bedker
December 12, 2008 11:10 AM Post #38
Location : Madison, WI
Carol Ann & Carol, CONGRATULATIONS! What a duo. Have been glued to the news stations, haven't seen anything yet. Don't be surprised if you hear from Letterman or Ellen DeGeneres. Reetz and I were planning to have some flowers waiting for you when you arrived, but there were some glitches in that plan. Everyone here at the clinic was following your flight as well. Very exciting. CA, I have also forwarded the daily updates to Ron. You will have to bring Carol with you this summer. Very, very proud of you both!! Claud.
H. Gene Ward
December 12, 2008 11:03 AM Post #37
Location : Bigfork, MN
WHAT A TRIP! You ladies kept me captivated for the whole trip! You've more than earned the record you achieved! Congratulations! Gene
Sandra Campbell
December 12, 2008 10:27 AM Post #36
Location : US, MO, Kansas City
Carol and Carolann - WOW! I've been traveling vicariously through your emails. What an adventure. How brave of you to take this on in the name of finding a cure. I have lost several family members to breast cancer. Your journey reminded of the poem, "The Dash," by Linda Ellis. And you too are make the most of your "Dash" for sure!!! Congratulations and all the best to you in the future.
Daniel johnson
December 12, 2008 9:08 AM Post #35
Location : kissimmee
Dear Carol and CarolAnn !!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations, I was with you all the way. You didn't see me but I peered out from above the rear seat gas tank every hour on the hour to assure you made the planned "SPOT" report. I enjoyed the trip and am ready to DVD it in any way you see fit. I'm sorry we missed the gala celebration at the airport yesterday. We had prior obligations. Sorry, so busy !!! As Ever, Dan and Irene Johnson
December 12, 2008 9:07 AM Post #34
Location : N591NC
Great job ladies. "Passion is always reason." I am sure Andy is smiling down from his Red Waco in the sky. All the best -- TOM -- www.claytor.com
Larry James
December 12, 2008 3:40 AM Post #33
Location : London, UK
Congratulations on the successful conclusion of your inspirational achievement. You both have demonstrated what determination, commitment and no small amount of skill can accomplish. I hope you are equally successful in raising funds for a cure for ALS.
Cary & Nancy Tekell
December 11, 2008 11:48 PM Post #32
Location : Meadow, Tx
Congratulations on the flight
D J Segler
December 11, 2008 10:55 PM Post #31
Location : USA, TX, Dallas
Congratulations... Welcome Home... Well Done!!
Debbie Garratt
December 11, 2008 10:51 PM Post #30
Location : Sun Valley, Idaho
Andrew Jr and I are so proud of you both!!!!!! We are always loving you and I know Mum, Dad and Andy are proud in spirit!!! Way to go!
December 11, 2008 10:50 PM Post #29
Location : Tulsa,Ok
Congratulations to you two. We at PORTER-STRAIT INST CO. followed your flight everyday. Our prayer was for you to make it safe and sound. We are really glad that you accomplished your trip . Regards Jerry & Shirley Bush and staff
Victor King
December 11, 2008 10:38 PM Post #28
Location : USA,AZ,Gilbert
Congrats to you both!!!
Mark Baumgartner
December 11, 2008 10:32 PM Post #27
Location : Spring, TX
This was better than watching the Superbowl. And for a good cause. Congratulations to you both!
Tom Constantine
December 11, 2008 9:38 PM Post #26
Location : Massachusetts
CarolAnn and carol. Congrats. I have forwrded your progress to the members of the Plymouth Aero Club and EAA 279. Your remarkable achievemnet makes me embarrassed to confess that I fly around small bodies of water. Can't wait to see and hear the presenation and buy the book!. CarolAnn----Hamish wants you to visit again! Best regards Tom
Charles Truthan
December 11, 2008 9:04 PM Post #25
Location : Ocala, FL
Yes CarolAnn and Carol, you ARE still alive - and we are all very grateful for that too!
Vicki Ebert
December 11, 2008 8:32 PM Post #24
Location : Seattle, WA
Hi! So glad you have arrived safely. I am so proud of you and your DASH! I followed you daily and was with you in spirit all the way! Hope your tour includes Seattle!
Carol Christianson
December 11, 2008 7:48 PM Post #23
Location : USA, SD, Rapid City
My students were anxious to get updates as soon as they walked in the door! Thank you for bringing your dedication to the cause and the excitement of your journey into our lives! You're Amazing!
Debra Winegarten
December 11, 2008 7:21 PM Post #22
Location : Austin, Texas
Mazel tov, you two, YOU DID IT!
Charlie Stracuzzi
December 11, 2008 6:52 PM Post #21
Location : USA,FL,Ocala
Congratulations, glad you made it home safely and happy to know you as a neighbor and fellow pilots. God Bless You both, Charlie & Virigina Stracuzzi
Nancy, Chip, & Jan Warren
December 11, 2008 6:38 PM Post #20
Location : Columbus, IN USA
CarolAnn & Carol: HUGE hugs and congratulations! We are so proud of you and all that you have achieved! Most of Indiana was following you all the way, especially the 99s. CA: I'll see you in July! Nancy
Dee Schade
December 11, 2008 6:08 PM Post #19
Location : USA TX Corpus Christi
Have read about your flight everyday & am so pleased you have met your goal! Way to go! Warmest wishes, Dee
Rita Showers
December 11, 2008 5:54 PM Post #18
Location : USA, Columbus, WI
Congrats Carol Ann and Carol. You're two amazing women, and I imagine, wiped out women at that. Don't be surprised if you get a call from the Oprah Winfrey show - I put a bug in their ear. Hope to talk to you CA after you get well rested. You should feel so proud - Claud and I do! Love ya! Reetz
Margaret Watson
December 11, 2008 5:52 PM Post #17
Location : Houston, TX, USA
. I am so thrilled and proud of you CarolAnn. I always knew you were special - but this is just even more evidence. Hope you can make it back to Houston again for another visit. We miss you. Margaret and Michael
Gary Gunn
December 11, 2008 5:52 PM Post #16
Location : Phoenix, AZ
Congrads to both of you on your historic flight! I followed along for the last 2 days. Would like to have seen more pictures but I guess that will come soon I hope. What was the final average time?
Laura Sherwood
December 11, 2008 5:45 PM Post #15
Location : Orlando, FL
Congratulations on completing and inspiring trip! I'm so excited for you. I checked Spot to track the Dash every chance I got. [which was pretty offten ] Celebrating with you!!
Biff Windsock
December 11, 2008 5:00 PM Post #14
Location : Sleepy little village of Reno, NV
Earthrounders...again! Good on ya, girls. Good stuff, that. Maybe when I grow up I can do at least part of a similar journey in a Staggerwing.
Maddy Smith
December 11, 2008 4:58 PM Post #13
Location : San Jose, Ca
Hey, CA - Congratulations - we've been following the progress every night! I'll let the kids & folks know that you made it home safely. Get some well deserved rest!
Roger Cable
December 11, 2008 4:53 PM Post #12
Location : Lihue, Kauai Hawaii
Congratulations from your Hawaii team. We have watched your progress almost hourly and commend you on this tremendous feat. We have not forgotten the real purpose of your record attempt and we are diligently asking for donations every time we talk to anyone about the flight. We had great press coverage here and still are getting lots of questions. More pictures are on the way. We thank you for the honor of coordinating your arrival and departure from Kauai and we look forward to seeing you again in the future. Please advise when you may visit our Island so that we can schedule as many appearances as possible while you are here to keep the fundraising alive. We wish you success on reaching the 1 million dollar goal. Aloha and Mahalo Nui Loa for your effort in fighting this terrible disease.
Joseph Soter
December 11, 2008 4:41 PM Post #11
Location : Tustin, CA, USA
Like many others I tracked your progress almost desperately, comparing your course deviations on the spot map to weather conditions, etc. Although you had satellite phones, autopilot, radio, and lots of other goodies, this is by no means less of a feat than even the first speed or distance records. I am absolutely thrilled that you two made it around the world successfully, and I wish you all the best. Congratulations!
Joe Noah
December 11, 2008 4:40 PM Post #10
Location : USA, VA, Clarksville
On behalf of the Thursday Hardees group, I congratulate both of you on completing a fantastic trip around the world in your Mooney! Joe
Scott Allen
December 11, 2008 4:39 PM Post #9
Location : Kailua HI
Congratulations to two great aviators and humanitarians.
Greg Reid
December 11, 2008 4:38 PM Post #8
Location : Portsmouth, NH
CONGRATULATIONS!!! It was great to watch your progress with SPOT and to read the daily updates. I'm both impressed and relieved that you've made it back safely -- with smiles on your tired faces and lots of $$ raised. Great job!
Deis & Leta Moeder
December 11, 2008 4:38 PM Post #7
Location : Ocala
CarolAnn & Carol, Welcome home and congratulations. Fabulous job. We thank God for your safe return. See you around the ranch. Denis & Leta
Riders of the Tri-State Trek
December 11, 2008 4:34 PM Post #6
Location : USA, Cambridge, MA
GREAT JOB!!!!! From all the riders of the annual Tri-State Trek - we congratulate you and welcome you home! Hopefully we can end this disease soon and people can stop flying around the world or riding bikes from Boston to NY. CONGRATS!
Sjef Brugemann
December 11, 2008 4:32 PM Post #5
Location : Holland
Fantastic flight. Congratulations from a cold and windy island in the North of Holland. Sjef Brugemann
Bucko Strehlow
December 11, 2008 4:31 PM Post #4
Location : San Antonio
Fantastic trip. It was great to watch the progress of the Spot tracker follow you both around the world. Thank you so much for sharing your adventure. Bucko Did you do your airline exercises?
Linda and Jimmy Longley Bennett
December 11, 2008 3:09 PM Post #3
Location : Spicewood TX
We have been watching your progress every day, checking your whereabouts several times a day. Our thoughts and prayers were on board as well. It was a very exciting experience for us to witness. We were emailing all our friends - sharing notes of where you were. Thanks so much for letting us share this with you!!!
Linda and Jimmy Longley Bennett
December 11, 2008 3:08 PM Post #2
Location : Spicewood TX
We have been watching your progress every day, checking your whereabouts several times a day. Our thoughts and prayers were on board as well. It was a very exciting experience for us to witness. We were emailing all our friends - sharing notes of where you were. Thanks so much for letting us share this with you!!!
Dash for a Cure
December 11, 2008 2:35 PM Post #1
Location : Boston
Welcome to the guest book. Please feel free to wish the Dash for a Cure pilots well, congratulate them or just leave your thoughts about the Dash for a Cure effort and its worthy cause.

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